About THAW
The aim of the Thorney, Harby & Wigsley Voluntary Car Scheme (TH&W) group is to improve the quality of life for residents in Thorney, Harby, Wigsley and surrounding areas eg. N & S Clifton and Spalford, especially for those who don't have their own transport or where public transport options may not be appropriate or available.
The scheme is open to everyone young or old. We provide a community transport service to enable residents to access health related services, shopping amenities, leisure and social activities during the day or evenings. Journeys will be charged at 45p per mile though a minimum charge of £2 (per vehicle) will apply for all trips.
Every attempt will be made to meet requests but this will be dependent on driver availability. Volunteers may opt to help out on an occasional basis but the more volunteers that can be recruited will be to the overall benefit of us all. None of us know when our car may break down or you may need transport in an emergency so it is well worth considering registering with this Scheme.To access the Scheme either as a passenger or a driver you are required to register as a member of TH&W Voluntary Car Scheme (see below). There is no charge for this and all details will be held confidentially and only passed on to a driver when a journey is being undertaken.
The TH&W Voluntary Car Scheme is supported by the National Lottery.